Marketing through social networks - Part I
Social networks have had an unmatched impact on humans and have taken on a very large part of our lives, which has increased the impact of these networks on various businesses and the emergence of a real revolution in the world of marketing.
Social networks like Facebook and Twitter have changed the way people communicate with each other and how companies interact with their customers.
Over the years, the importance of your company's presence and interaction on different social networks becomes more and more important, so you will see a variety of challenges that you must overcome in order to continue and focus your efforts to achieve the best results possible. In this article a set of these challenges.
1. Establish an effective marketing strategy
No es de extrañar que este punto de la cabeza de la lista de desafíos, donde hay una gran proporción de los vendedores no puede permitirse el lujo de construir y configurar una estrategia de marketing eficaz a través de las redes sociales es para ellos es difícil. El primer paso en la construcción de esta estrategia es la comprensión básica de lo que es, o, simplemente, "qu qué?".
Estrategia de marketing a través de las redes sociales representan un resenten de todo lo que quiere hacer y todos nos gustaría logarar el objetivo de su empresa utilizando las redes sociales, junto con las medidas de identificación que le permitirán alcanzar estos objetivos y el progreso.
Start by writing a list of the most important goals that you want to achieve, which must be parallel to the objectives of your company or your project in general, and the more specific these goals the easier to achieve.
The main purpose of this strategy is to guide your steps and actions, as well as help you measure what goals you have successfully achieved and which have not worked well.
2 - Measuring the return on investment
Experts predict that in 2017 about $ 36 billion will be spent on social networking ads. This figure shows how large the spending on these ads is, which makes sure that this spending and its impact on work is inevitable.
The return on investment in social networks is what will return your company for the time, money, and various resources you invest in marketing through social networks.
The return on investment in social networks depends primarily on your goals or your business, so before you start measuring this return the goals must be precisely defined and here lies the importance of developing a marketing strategy.
By setting measurable smart targets and using the right measurement tools, you will have no trouble measuring what you invest in social networks.
3 - Choose the appropriate social network
66% de los Jóvenes en los Estados Unidos utilizació las redes sociales, el 90% de las Personas utilizan las redes sociales para ComunicaRSE Directamente con las Marcas. Estas Estadísticas ilustran la Importancia de la Presencia de su Empresa o marca en Diferentes redes sociales, Pero la sola presence No Es Suficiente, ya Que la Elección de la roja Apropiada para Llegar a su público o Potenciales Clientes es también fundamental, Que Depende Principalmente de La naturaleza del Público.
En CUALQUIERA de las redes sociales EXISTEN Grupos Destinatarios del Público, Lo Que permite Indicar, Dębe ver las Distintas distribuciones de la Naturaleza del Público Presente en la Red Y Si LUEGO considerar El Público Objetivo of this roja o no. No es Importante conocer las redes sociales Que EXISTEN Y Que Solo, Pero Las Redes Que utilizan la Actividad constante.
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