Does Google penalize small sites only? See Google sanctions for the world's largest sites..
Some believe that the search engine Google is penalized only small sites, but that we look at the history of sanctions Google will find that he punished sites very large once it was discovered that it violated the guidelines of quality search, but punished some services or the drafts to provide as we will mention in the following lines leave you with The most famous penalties are carried out by Google
Punition de Rap Genius
- Site Punisher: Rap Genius
- Order now in alexa
- The number of archived pages in Google: 6,230,000
- History of Punishment: December 2013
- Reason for punishment: abnormal ligaments
- Result of the penalty: a significant reduction of the site pages in the Google search engine
- Term: 10 days
The site management invited bloggers to add the link in their blogs and websites. The site followers responded and they created links to the site.
Google spiders detected abnormal movement in the number of links pointing to the site and was punished
Mozilla site punishment
- Site Punisher: mozilla
- Order Now in alexa
- Number of archived pages in Google: 7,370
- History of Punishment: April 2013
- Reason for punishment: abnormal ligaments
- Penalty result: Delete one page from search results
- Penalty period: unknown because the page was removed by the site administration
Mozilla management surprised the developers of several programs, most famous Firefox browser with a notice that was a manual punishment on the site and was directed to the Google webmaster forum for details and resolved the problem
Punishment of the BBC website
- Site Punisher: BBC
- Order now in alexa
- Number of archived pages in Google: 2,540,000
- History of Punishment: March 2013
- Reason for punishment: abnormal ligaments
- Penalty result: Delete one page from search results
- Penalty period: unknown because the page was removed by the site administration
Penalty period: unknown because the page was removed by the site administration
As happened with the management of Mozilla site surprised the management of the site of the BBC with a notice that the search engine Google Badawi against the site and was also directed to the webmaster forum for Google and responded to the staff and solved the problem
Punish the Google Chrome page
- Punished site: Google Chrome product page
- Order Now in Alexa
- Number of archived pages in Google: 52,500,000
- History of Punishment: January 2012
- Reason for punishment: Paid parking
- Penalty result: Undo on one page
- Sentence: Two months
In which a strange incident and not the first of its kind Google launched a product page followed by the mistakes of some companies used the product link in advertising campaigns
Beat That Quote (Google)
- Site Punisher: beatthatquote
- Order now in alexa now: -
- Number of archived pages in Google: -
- History of Punishment: March 2011
- Reason for punishment: Paid parking
- Result of the penalty: the results of the site declined
- Sentence: Two weeks
Google bought the Beat That Quote site in early 2011 and in the same year Google was penalized for errors from previous site owners
Punishment of the Google AdWords service
- Punished site: Google AdWords
- Order Now in Alexa
- Number of archived pages in Google: 52,500,000
- History of Punishment: July 2010
- Reason for punishment: Cloaking
- Penalty result: Service pages are down
- Sentence: Unknown
Punish the SearchKing site
- Site Punisher: SearchKing
- Order now in alexa now: 4,281,508
- Number of archived pages in Google:
- History of Punishment: September 2002
- Reason for punishment: selling links
- Result of the penalty: the decline of the site's output and the pagerank order from 8 to zero
- Penalty: 3 years and 7 months
This is considered the punishment of the oldest sanctions imposed by Google on the sites and it was a thorny because it was another search engine was raised a case on Google from the administration of the site and issued the judge as seeing Google
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